Going green isn’t just using your own bags while getting groceries, composting when you remember, and shutting off the lights when you leave the room. It’s a part of your daily activities, everything you do – and if you have a dog, well, your pup should be living the green life, too.
Helping your dog go green is easy with resources like Raise a Green Dog. This website is a eco-dog owners dream with loads of information on how to stay sustainable with Spot.
They’ve recently revamped their website with some new features, too, including a more detailed blog, a Learn to be Green section, interviews and media information, and produce reviews fit for the summer.
Here’s what they have to say about their newly designed eco-resource:
Raise a Green Dog, a site devoted to helping dog lovers learn how their dog can be more healthy, green and eco-friendly, announced the launch today of their new and improved website. The site now goes beyond the Raise a Green Dog blog and provides a more robust experience with additional resources of information and products for current and aspiring green dogs, and dog lovers.
Raise a Green Dog now includes an online green dog product portal showcasing a wide variety of eco-friendly, recycled and sustainable dog products and products for their families, as well as numerous articles with information to help dog lovers learn how they, and their dog, can live a greener lifestyle. The site also features “Johann’s Green Dog Club”, as dogs all over the globe are able to share their support and take the “Green Dog Pledge” for living a green dog life.
“As the dangers for dogs continue, with wide spread recalls of dog food and toys and most recently the EPA’s investigation into the dangers of some flea and tick medications, we are dedicated to helping dog lovers worldwide find the healthiest and safest alternatives to keep their dog the happiest he or she can be, while helping the environment at the same time”, indicated Leslie May, co-author and founder of Raise a Green Dog. “Through the expansion of our site as a fuller resource, we can now help dog lovers more easily find the information and safer products they want and need for their green, or aspiring green dog, and their environment.”
May believes a big part of living a green lifestyle includes giving back to your community and she is walking the walk. “The most exciting aspect of the new site is we will be donating 10% of the profits we make through the online green dog product portal to no-kill rescues and shelters,” added May. “Our donations will be in honor of my faithful companion, Johann; a green dog who was rescued from a local no-kill shelter in 2004.”
Raise a Green Dogfirst appeared as a Squidoo lens in September 2007. After receiving hundreds of requests for additional information about how she and her dogs, Johann and Gracie, practice a healthy and environmentally friendly life, May created the Raise a Green Dog blog in November 2007. The highly regarded blog quickly became popular among concerned dog lovers and has been featured in Dog World, Dog Fancy and Pet Style Magazines, and Tails Inc., publications. Since the inception of Raise a Green Dog, May has also provided interviews for popular dog and green related blogs and radio Internet shows, sharing information about living a green dog life.
About Raise a Green Dog
Started in the fall of 2007, Raise a Green Dog, part of Johann The Dog, Inc., provides information, tips, and an online green dog product portal, to help dogs and dog lovers Worldwide help their dog go green for a healthier, happier pup and environment. The site includes a blog packed full of information to help dog lovers learn how they, and their dog, can live a greener, more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. The online green dog product portal within the site provides links to a wide variety of green dog gear including organic dog foods and treats, dog beds toys and collars made from sustainable fabrics, books to help dog owners learn the healthiest way to raise their dog and more.
For more information visit www.raiseagreendog.com or email leslie@johannthedog.com.
The post Raise a Green Dog: an eco-resource for dog owners appeared first on Ecoki.